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Burbank Fire Corps

Welcome to the official site of the Burbank Fire Corps Program (BFCP).

The Burbank Fire Corps Program (BFCP) serves as an auxiliary support arm of the Burbank Fire Department. BFCP volunteers are state-registered Disaster Service Workers, affiliated nationally with the Federal Fire Corps program and supporting the CERT mission under Cal OES and FEMA guidelines.

BFCP members actively participate in a range of community-oriented activities, including Community Volunteer Fire Patrol, incident rehab and canteen services, auxiliary communications, public education, and emergency preparedness outreach.

We meet monthly, and our meetings are open to the public. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month (January through October) from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Burbank Fire Training Center.

Our November meeting date varies, as we hold our Annual Awards Night to celebrate and recognize the dedication and achievements of our volunteers. There is no meeting held in December.

Monthly meetings typically feature hands-on training, specialized seminars, and guest presentations from experts in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

In addition, Active BFCP members have access to at least one specialized training class each month.

Interested in joining BFCP as a volunteer? Visit our Volunteer page for more information.

Mission Statement

“Learn – Train – Serve”

We learn by attending meetings and classes as well as participating in independent studies courses. We train through exercises, drills and daily activities. We serve by giving back to the community through public education and emergency response when called upon.


“Mission Ready – Mission Capable”

Through the concept of “Learn – Train – Serve” we are prepared and ready to face the tasks given to us. Based on the flexibility of all members being trained in the basics of emergency services any volunteer is capable of performing any mission within their scope of ability.